Mother’s Day 2012: A Letter To My Mom

It’s Mother’s Day again… don’t act so surprised, I mean, it does come every single year in May. Last year, I was talking about Mother’s Day and how I was struggling with my sister’s birthday coming up and how my husband always acted like “my” days didn’t matter.

This year is different, even though May 13th is Mother’s Day and would have been Jess’s 35th birthday. So before I get into the mom stuff, let’s have a moment of silence for my sister.

Happy birthday Jess! You will never be forgotten. I love you & miss you so much!

When I started writing this post my brain took me on a wild journey that could have left me stranded in the abyss of negativeness and uncontrollable rage. But, I decided I would save that trip for another time, a time when I wasn’t trying to write a dedication post. So instead of writing about how having two “moms” on Mother’s Day meant to me, I have chosen to write about just my biological mom… and quite frankly the ONLY MOM I have. (Another time I will elaborate but, today this post will remain free of that…)

My mom got pregnant at age 17, she gave birth to me 1 month and 5 days after her 18th birthday. She delivered me in McLaren Hospital in Flint, Michigan on July 17th, 1975. My father, who she had just married on Valentine’s Day of that very year was nowhere to be found. I exaggerate because he could have been found but, needless to say nobody cared enough to drag his sorry ass to the hospital so he could do his husbandly/fatherly duty. (I know I said I wouldn’t mention them but, that part was extremely important. It shows how brave my mother was.)

I have heard countless times about my birth from my mom… Don’t all children? I was breach, “You had your little feet on both sides and you refused to come out.” And now you all know when and where my stick-it-to-the-man never back down attitude started. There are many things over the years my mom has told me about the first 5 years I lived with her. There are even more stories that were passed on to me by people who think that I don’t remember. For some reason they act like I didn’t witness it for myself. Those people and their stories are irrelevant at this time.

Now I can’t sit here and lie to you all and tell you that I have loads of fond mother/daughter memories as a child and teen, because I don’t. I can’t tell you that I didn’t have my fair share of issues growing up without my mom in my daily life. My mom wasn’t perfect… no human being is. My mom often tells me, “I know I will never be mother of the year.” I always laughed that comment off. I thought it was silly that mom thought like that, because I have never cared one way or another. I figured that once someone apologized and you forgave them then it was done and from that point on it was no longer an issue. Maybe it wasn’t for me that she was saying it.

But, now I am going to award her. I am going to give her something that is better than Mother of the Year. Because she deserves more than a title that comes and goes every year and here is why…

My mother did the best she could with what she had. She made mistakes. She didn’t always say or do the right thing. She made choices that weren’t the best. But…

  • She NEVER abused us. There was no emotional blackmail, no beatings, no psychological terrorism laid upon us by her whatsoever.
  • She ALWAYS loved us unconditionally.
  • She worried and fretted and if at any time one of her kids were not speaking to her she would ask about them to the ones that were. (In other words, she’d always ask me.)
  • She APOLOGIZED for all the things she did or didn’t do.
  • She NEVER repeatedly did those things after apologizing. (That is something many do not do.) When she said sorry she meant it.
  • She NEVER did to us what was done to her.
  • She lost a grown child who wasn’t speaking to her and lives with the guilt from that. (Even though she shouldn’t torture herself over things she had no control over.)
  • She went back to school, taking college courses at age 55.
  • She is the ONLY person helping to care for her 77-yr-old mother and her 79-yr-old step-father.
  • She has 7 grand-kids, 2 that she has never met or been allowed to know. (Jess’s older daughters) 2 that are just starting to open up to her. (Jess’s twin boys) All 7 living in other states away from her. Yet she holds out faith of one day having all of them close by in her life and loves each and every single one of them with her heart and soul.
  • She’s not fake… She doesn’t smile in your face and at the same time try to turn people against you behind your back.
  • No matter who tried to stand in her way she never stopped being who she is.
  • She wakes up every day, goes out and gives the world her all.

Plain and simply put… She is my best friend, I love her, and I am blessed to call her mom!!!

Dear Mom,
Happy Mother’s Day. I love you more than you probably even know.
Words; even from someone as prolific as I am, just cannot express the
love that I have for you. I don’t need for you to be anything that you aren’t,
I never did. You and I know the truth of our relationship. We both know what
we went through. You have given me more than any one ever could by just you being you. You don’t ask me to be anyone or anything that I am not. You don’t
try to change me. You’re not embarrassed (yet… lol) by me. I know that you
love me and the kids and even Gustavo. I couldn’t have asked for a better mother. I don’t feel the need to punish you for the past, we have long since moved on
from all that bullshit. 
I am who I am today partly because of you. Nobody in
the world can ever take that from you no matter how much they think they can, they can not! I am proud of all you have accomplished and what you will do. I am honored that you have allowed me to be included in all that
you do. I am proud to be your daughter. I am proud of all that you are and all
that you aren’t. Simply stated… I AM PROUD OF YOU!!! I wish I could be there to say this all in person and hug you tightly. But, that just isn’t in the cards right now so…
May you have the
happiest of days today and every day.
And never ever ever forget that

14 thoughts on “Mother’s Day 2012: A Letter To My Mom

  1. Martha Orlando says:

    Honest, candid, and beautiful, Jenni – a marvelous and loving tribute to your mother. Thank you for sharing with us all. May your own Mothers’ Day be a blessed one.

  2. nikky44 says:

    You mentioned such great points about your mother. You “see” what many others might take for granted. Thank you and Happy Mother’s Day!

  3. Terrie says:

    My Sweetest, Loving Daughter… I can barely type for the tears running down my face! Thank you for your loving expressions, I could not be more PROUD of You… I love you so very much, and you know it! ❤ For once in my life, I am speachless… (imagine that) but we will talk sometime today, and I will tell you then… "You are the BEST Daughter a Mother could ever wish for"!! Enjoy your Mother's Day honey… and kiss my Grandkids for me! ❤ My 'wish' is that we could spend today (and many others) together! (thanks goodness for technology)…

  4. Dangerous Linda says:

    I’m with your Mom, I can hardly type through the tears. So sweet, Jenni! Thank you for sharing this beautiful, inspiring tribute to your wonderful mother! She’s fortunate to have you for a daughter, too. Looks like a match made in Heaven to me! XOXOX

  5. Jessica Mokrzycki says:

    This was a very touching and honest post, Jen. I’m so sorry for the loss of your sister….And your mother sounds amazing. Despite obstacles and challenges her love remained unconditional and her nature genuine. Can’t ask much more than that from a mother! Great post. 🙂

  6. tumultuousjourney says:

    Wonderfully loving post, I find it strange that you were born the same year as my second child, less than a month later, makes you both Cancers as am I. I was much like your mother in the poor choice category and many other things you relate here with your honest and loving tribute to your mom. I am so happy to see the warmth and love evident in your words and hers such a beautiful thing to behold. My tears come easy these days, but this gave me a full cry….thank you for sharing this Jenni.

  7. onlinehitchhiker says:

    Probably the most honest and heartwarming post I have seen in a LONG time. I am glad that you love your mother so much; I can relate. My mother matches most of the qualities of yours but I think I will never really understand the true value of a mother until I am separated from her, which will be (unfortunately) soon, due to educational issues.

    And although a bit late, happy Mum’s day to both you and your mother. Have a wonderful week, girl!

    Kindest regards,


  8. Scattered Musings of A Creative Mind says:

    Morning coffee with tears anyone? Jenni, this is such a truthful, touchy and heartfelt dedication to your mom. You’re right people say sorry and we forgive. It’s takes someone with a strong backbone, to stop and realize that maybe someone did the best they could with what they had.

  9. Corinne Rodrigues says:

    Such an honest and loving post, Jenni, but then, I expect no less from you. I always admire your courage and I can see that it’s a gift your Mom passed on to you. I love that she read and commented ♥

  10. Cathy Beebe says:

    That was an honest post. As parents, when we have children they aren’t born with a manual. I wished it was that easy. As a single parent I am always confronting challenges on my own. Keep in mind that your mother helped create a wonderful you!

  11. Dawn Sievers says:

    Being able to have clear recall from an early age – I am the same, just to give you another voice in that particular wilderness! I remember, quite clearly and with astonishing detail, back to my 2nd year in this life. Some of us just do remember, and I believe there are strong reasons for that to happen.

    I loved your post on this topic. I’m happy that you’ve forged such a positive relationship with your dear Mom, despite what appear to have been some truly challenging circumstances along the path. Choosing to forgive and move forward in positivity is one of the most beautiful gifts we can give ourselves and others. Your Mom has reason to be proud, chickadee. You’ve both done well! ❤

    – Dawn

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