Writer’s Orgasm

Like all writer’s I eventually come to a point where I don’t have anything to say. Wait a minute did I just type that… I am a rambler, a babbler, a nonstop hyper word spitter.

There is no way that I could be speechless, it’s just not possible. But, here I sit watching my cursor wink and my word program beckon me like a lover’s whisper. “Come to me my love… sit, and talk to me. Ignite my senses like only your exceptional mind can do”

Yes, my word program seduces me with its virginal white page that is begging for me to relieve its frustration with the touch of my fingers. My cursor lightly caresses the page and my sexy font takes over and all of a sudden…. Yes YES YESSSS, writer’s orgasm!!!

Words spew all over my page followed by sentences and then paragraphs. OH MY GOD, it just keeps coming there is no end in sight. I have found keyboard Viagra and let me tell you baby it’s not going down.

Wouldn’t it be nice though if this was actual commentary happening and not just a bunch of nastiness on the part of my metaphorically genius mind??? Haha, no I suppose this will be just as stimulating as anything serious could be.
Can someone hand me a tissue….. I seem to have leaked all over my page.

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